Think All Lake Management Companies Are Alike?
Maybe you own a pond, or just built one, and you're wondering whether it makes any difference whether you buy your fish from a fish truck, or get them from a company that actually offers management guidance and a full array of services; perhaps you're wondering if there's really all that much difference between the various pond and lake management companies who fight for pieces of the pie in this state. I have made no bones, in past posts and advertising both, about proclaiming that no one in this state can touch me when it comes to growing big fish. I have no doubt that there are multiple companies that do just as good of a job as we do of controlling nuisance vegetation, or installing aerators; but if you want fishing in your pond the likes of which most anglers have never experienced, no biologist in this state comes close to me in experience or results either one. Many of our most dramatic success stories have been in growing big bass, in part simply because that is most commonly the goal of pond owners; we've just started in the last couple years to get more clients who are all-out for growing big bluegill.I made a post on here a couple months ago in which I referenced a fall 2016 article in a well-known magazine about pond management; the article was a "success story" about an intensively-managed seven-and-a-half-acre lake in Virginia. The article bragged about how the bluegill that had been stocked at 1.5-2" in 2014 were now, two years later, up to nine inches in length.Here's a photo of a coppernose bluegill that was caught from a seven-acre pond, located somewhere between Nashville and Memphis (the pond owner would likely shoot me if I got any more specific), on May 14 - this is a newly-constructed pond that we stocked initially with bluegill and fatheads on March 18, 2016: It measured nine inches, in case you're wondering. Today (June 17, just under fifteen months from when the bluegill were first stocked), the owner sent me this:
That's a ten-inch bluegill, folks. These were stocked at one to two inches fifteen months ago, and most were closer to one inch than two. If you think a pond is a pond and you don't care whether your fishing is great or mediocre, call our competitors. If you want better fishing every time you wet a line than most anglers have ever experienced, there's only one company to call.