Tennessee Lake Management and Tennessee Pond Management: Giant Bass from a Small Pond

So I’ve made a few other posts about this particular pond in the last few months, because it’s a prime example of the difference between us and our competitors. We’re growing at a pretty good clip, but we’re still smaller than multiple other lake management companies that work in this region; I have contended for a while now that there’s a substantial gap between our skill in managing private waters, and any of our competitors, and I have made several blog posts with specific catches that support that. I have been managing ponds and lakes in Tennessee longer than any other biologist working in this state, going back to 1987; I had my first business cards printed that year, with the same name I have now, Trophy Pond; but I was still in undergrad then, and pond management was not big business like it is now, so I didn’t dive with both feet into doing this for a living then. I started the business proper in 2009. We’re probably the fastest-growing lake and pond management company in the state; that said, the larger companies still have a lot, or most, of the best accounts in this state. This is why I’m always making blog posts comparing us to our competitors: because they work on a lot of water, and I know firsthand how mediocre their results are most of the time, and I know how un-mediocre our results are. If you own a private lake or pond in this state, and you care enough about the fishing in that water to be employing a professional management company to develop that fishery for you, you’re cheating yourself if you use anyone but us. It’s really that simple. We’ve developed fishing the like of which most anglers have never experienced on waters as small as 1/2 acre and waters as large as 130 acres. But anybody that knows anything at all about fish can luck up and grow big ones occasionally in big water; it’s been proven in multiple studies that, everything else being equal, fish get bigger in bigger water. It’s exponentially easier, for example, to grow a ten-pound largemouth in a ten-acre pond than it is in a three-acre one. There’s a 1.1-acre pond somewhere between Memphis and Bristol (if I got any more specific the landowner would likely come after me) that we have managed since summer of 2014. Between March and August of last year, that 1.1-acre pond coughed up a 6 lb. 5 oz. largemouth, a 6 lb. 14 oz. largemouth, a 7 lb. 5 oz. largemouth, and a 7 lb. 14 oz. largemouth, along with several northern bluegill to 11.5”, an 11” coppernose bluegill, a 12” coppernose bluegill, a 33.28-oz. coppernose bluegill, and a 35-ounce bluegill that was not photographed. Today it coughed up this fish:

That’s a 9 lb. 2 oz. largemouth. From a one-acre pond that is not managed for trophy bass - this is their trophy bluegill pond. Imagine what the bass from their six-acre bass pond are going to look like. Fishing like this could be yours - all you have to do is call us. We may not have quite as many vehicles or warehouses as some of our competitors, but we sure as heck know more about fish than they do.


Tennessee Lake Management and Tennessee Pond Management: A Pond Primed to Grow Giant Bluegill


Tennessee Lake Management and Tennessee Pond Management: Crappie in Ponds